
Equipment Proposal

The Martin-Luther-Schule in Marburg, Hessia,  is a school which seeks to provide a modern and appropriate atmosphere for both students and teachers. Furthermore, it is necessary to make sure that both groups are faced with a well equipped environment at school which includes new media devices. So far, the school is provided with the following equipment:

- 31 computers in total: 25 computers of which pupils have access to(21 in class, 4 in the library), 5 computers which are only accessible for teachers 
   (2 in staff room, 3 in a separate room)
- 14 notebooks in a special notebook cart
- multimedia cupboard including flat screen, DVD player and an audio system
- 2 interactive whiteboards/smartboards (1 is placed in a biology room)
- suitcase with notebook and projector
- 1 digital camera
- 3 copiers

 About 100 teachers work at the Martin-Luther-Schule and more than 1000 students attend the school. As you can imagine, the school is not sufficiently equipped with new media supplies. Nowadays, when usage of new media is becoming more and more a basic requirement for any job, you have to guarantee that students learn how to use this media. Hence, teachers and pupils need to have access to this media.

 As a future teacher for foreign languages I feel that it is a necessity that as many classrooms as possible should be provided with multimedia cupboards, or even better with smartboards. There is a wide range of possibilities with which every language teacher should be able to make use of, like showing movies or music clips. With a big screen and good speakers provided, the personal experience with the new media becomes greater than, for instance, a movie  shown on just a small TV screen, for it might be more strenuous for students to focus on details. Further, web quests or quizzes can be presented via interactive whiteboards, enriching the daily lessons. Even monotonous tasks like vocabulary testing can be fun because the multimedia possibilities enable us to arrange assignments in a more exciting and colourful way. Smartboards are wonderful tools, which support students detection skills. Students can not only see and listen to an appealing presentation, but also touch the board and develop their tactical proficiency. Furthermore, there are loads of fascinating whiteboard software available for nearly every subject. As purchasing a smartboard is not a cheap matter, we conclude that 5 interactive whiteboards would be enough for now. Two additional moveable ones would be a good future addition because they can be moved around to different classrooms.

The previously mentioned multimedia cupboard represents an appropriate alternative for the whiteboards because it entails a variety of mediums. Usually they consist of a big screen, DVD player and an audio system, which enables the teachers to show both audio and video files. One advantage of the cupboard is that it can be locked so that nobody can access it once the lesson is over. Hence, one can make sure that the expensive mediums are protected from e.g. destructive fury or something similar.

Projectors are a good alternative if the teacher does not want to feel dependent on the internet - he or she might e.g. show a file from a USB. Presentations become more interesting because students, as well as teachers can show an individualised PowerPoint-presentation. Students can be encouraged to make short movies providing them with a digital camera and allowing them to present their result with a projector in the classroom.

Working with new media and the internet involves the condition that students have access to computers. Students can share a computer and work in pairs increasing their teamwork skills. If we let them explore the world of the internet we might encourage them to improve their independent work. Therefore, we would like to purchase at least 10 entirely equipped computers in order to guarantee that a class with more or less 25 students can work in pairs or groups of no more than 3 people.

Being a language teacher I insist on the availability of dictionaries. Nowadays, electronic translators can be used perfectly for this matter. Students don’t have to waste anymore precious time while searching for a word in an old-fashioned dictionary. Further, I consider e-books as a useful purchase because we as teachers save money and paper by providing worksheets on an electronic devise. Students can also save money by downloading a whole book, for instance. Nevertheless, we cannot avoid relinquishing print material because we also have to offer written exams, for example. Consequently, we need to invest in more copiers.

The list provided below contains media supplies which are urgently needed:

- 5 interactive whiteboards to be placed in classrooms, to which every teacher has access to (unlike the biology room) ~ 4000€ each
- 2 movable interactive whiteboards, which can be borrowed individually by the teachers ~ 5000€ each
- 10 fully equipped computers (including screens and speakers) ~ 700€ each
- 3 multimedia cupboards ~ 1000€ each
- 3 projectors ~ 1000€ each
- 12 electronic translators ~ 100€ each
- 12 e-book readers ~ 150€ each
- 5 copiers ~ 300€ each
- 1 digital video camera ~ 500€

--> in total: ~ 45,300€

Follow-up costs has to be considered as well for:

- Maintenance of computer's hardware + repair ~ 3000€
- New software ~ 1000€
- Ink (copiers) ~ 500€

--> in total: ~ 49,800€

In order to ensure that we as teachers are able to prepare our students for the new requirements in jobs, we consider that the purchase of the media supplies as listed above is necessary. The approximate costs will be about 49,800€, which is below the upper limit of 50,000€.

Furthermore, we would like to inform you about another purchase suggestion if we were given another 10,000€.

The following electronic devises are considered to be the most important ones. A moveable interactive whiteboard can serve for a variety of purposes. Owing to the very high cost, we might only purchase one. In addition, computers combined with a projector are also versatile because students have access to the internet. They can work on their own and can present their products to the class via the projector. As mentioned before, our school is undersupplied with copiers, therefore we are asking for a further copier.

Below, you can find our suggestion for additional media supplies:

- 1 movable interactive whiteboard ~ 5000€
- 3 fully equipped computers ~ 700€ each
- 1 projector ~1000€
- 1 copier ~300€

Additional follow-up costs:

- Maintenance of computer's hardware + repair ~ 1000€
- New software ~ 400€
- Ink (copier) ~ 200€

--> in total: ~ 10,000€